Mercedes-Benz wanted to create a POS application to raise awareness and help drive app downloads and registrations for the Mercedes me connect app due to low customer uptake and to support the upcoming marketing campaign.

Data Capture
Forms redesign for Mercedes-Benz and smart.
Designer - UX/ UI
The brief was to eliminate multiple complex online forms by designing a new desktop and mobile ready data-capture forms whilst improving the efficiency and quality of the journey.
Research phase​
After collating and consolidating my research findings I created 4 key personas. Using the information from the task analysis I sketched storyboards of their typical work-day and mapped out their user journeys. My project team were visual so people presenting the research in this way enabled them to clearly identify and agree on pain-points and areas for significant improvement.. The biggest issues addressed by Mercedes-Benz and smart were;
'Opt ins' have dropped significantly since GDPR legislation was pushed earlier this year
Mobile traffic had almost 4x desktop traffic but has a high 61.1% drop out rate
Current forms are ugly / unappealing
Each new form requested by the client takes too long to create