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Data Capture



Forms redesign for Mercedes-Benz and smart.

Designer - UX/ UI

The brief was to eliminate multiple complex online forms by designing a new desktop and mobile ready data-capture forms whilst improving the efficiency and quality of the journey.

Research phase​


After collating and consolidating my research findings I created 4 key personas. Using the information from the task analysis I sketched storyboards of their typical work-day and mapped out their user journeys. My project team were visual so people presenting the research in this way enabled them to clearly identify and agree on pain-points and areas for significant improvement.. The biggest issues addressed by Mercedes-Benz and smart were;


  • 'Opt ins' have dropped significantly since GDPR legislation was pushed earlier this year

  • Mobile traffic had almost 4x desktop traffic but has a high 61.1% drop out rate

  • Current forms are ugly / unappealing

  • Each new form requested by the client takes too long to create

Screenshot 2019-03-01 at 09.52.04.png
I'm JAde
I'm an Experience Designer.

I have spent over 7 years crafting my skills as someone who enjoys building experiences for usersI'm skilled in ui/ux including prototypes, accessibility, illustration, photography and all things social media.
Be nosey.
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